Autism Awareness Day is coming up, April 2nd. And if you didn't already hear the battle that rages in the Autism Community about the CDC statistics that were released yesterday, you may find yourself witnessing a new trend emerging in the Autism Awareness campaign in response to Autism Speaks "Light It Up Blue" campaign; the "Tone It Down Taupe."
I have a philosophy. To each his own. However, I think the T.I.D.T. people need to put their efforts into something more productive. That's all I have say about that.
I choose to stay away from the all of the drama and debate about Autism during the month of April. Instead, I use this time to thank family, friends, teachers and therapists who work with and socially support my children. This year my shop has made key rings that we will give to teachers and therapists. I have made extra, and am selling them here.