Friday, April 13, 2012

"Outgrowing Autism? Study looks at why some kids bloom"

"Outgrowing Autism? Study looks at why some kids bloom."

I didn't even have to read that article to know why......

That is what gets you early, intensive therapy.  Money, and lots of it.  I bet I spend around $2k in therapy and gas money to get out there.  It's not that I'm rich.....SO FAR FROM IT.  I am blessed enough to have family that care and who help me, and I scrimp, save, and never go anywhere or do anything.  All extra money goes there.  It really cheats my daughter who's higher-functioning because she needs therapy too.  But since my son is the lower functioning of the two, I have to put it there.  It's such a nightmare as a mother.  Trying to do your best for both of your children and always feeling like you're short-changing one, or the other, or both!  We don't go on vacations, I know my children won't be seeing Disneyland anytime soon...... it just breaks my heart.  But, I know there are many families who never get there, never go anywhere.  So I keep thinking about what I have and try and not focus on all the things others seem to be doing with their families all around me.  I'm lucky I have help.  I'm lucky I can get my son help.  Maybe I should have a four-leaf clover up there instead of a flower.  Maybe that will be my children's and my activity for find a four leaf clover.

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